onsdag 29. april 2015

Kjærlighets tag

Litt lite aktivitet her på bloggen min for tida men kommer nok litt mer framover nå :) Har laget en enkel tag i kjærlighetens tag :) Det kommer nok flere innlegg framover nå... håper jeg da ;)

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hello! I found your work on Instagram, and I love your style. New follower here! Hope you can check out my blog too! I'm a fan of all things norwegian although I am brazilian / honduran. I love Maria Mena's music and also enjou watching Ylvis! Anyways, I am so glad I found your beautiful site. Have a great week and stay creative. Hugs, Gracie.

    1. Hallo! Thank you so much. You have a new follower to :) And i now follow you on YT and G+ to. Have a nice week . Hugs


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